it's really rather obvious.
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Senators, Representative,

Progression: sixteen months.. true story.

Self: abled (?), disabled (?).

Home: family, self, street (?).

Child: full-time, non-entity, part-time, debate.

Family: decline, separate, mediate, divide, divorce, custody.

Friends: give 'em a call, how long's it been?

Income: hostile, terminated, snipe-hunt.

Law: debt, divorce, custody, disability.

Life: litigious, lonely, hungry, angry.

Death: two, same day, parental-archetype, disparate cause.

Near-death: beloved pet, next day, unpleasant debate, emergency surgery.

Health: weight-change, injury, meningitis scare, ambulance ride, hospital stay, agony, (over-prescribe, de-motivate) dis-ambulatory, activity, agony, injection, relief, encephalitis scare, free rehab, pain.. dangerous procedure (?).

Apply, Deny: State Welfare, State Fuel Assist, Food Stamps, Mortgage Refinance, Medical Assistance, Medica(re/id), Social Security, overdraft protection.

Apply, Survive: Town Welfare, Town Fuel Assist, Food Pantry, Mortgage Modification, Medical Assistance, Unemployment, Social Security (?).

Child Support: apply, recalculate, hiccup, "dead beat," recalculate, recalculate.. pay, repeat.

Unemployment: apply, wait, orientate, hiccup, "starve," smile, apply, dance, deny.. smile, repeat.

Disability: apply, data, wait, dance, wait, data, wait, plead, wait, deny, despair, appeal.. deny (?), repeat.

Credit: apply, survive, delay, recalculate, withhold, overdue, demand, default, claim, collect, repossess, foreclose (?).. Fire-Sale (?), repeat.

Crashed-Out: Credit, Savings, Stock, Retire, collectables (full-set).. Future.

Shut-Off: on-demand, hi-speed, telecommunicators (three).. [so-called] Life.

Re-Possessed: Car (eleventh hour), House (technically, twice), Family (reform anew)..
Hope, Faith, Pride (grow back).

this post wanders afar of the Categories it helped formulate